Under no circumstances should learners attend school if they:

  • feel unwell or have possible COVID-19 symptoms.  Please continue to err on the side of caution;
  • have tested positive for COVID-19.

Please only use LFD tests if your child is asymptomatic. A PCR test must be carried out for the following symptoms:

  • a high temperature: this means that they feel hot to touch on their chest or back;
  • a new, continuous cough: this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours;
  • a loss or change to their sense of smell or taste: this means they’ve noticed they cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal.

Book a PCR Test

Any person with possible symptoms must book a PCR test.  You can do so through this link or by calling 119 between 7am and 11pm.

Confirmed Cases

If your child is absent due to possible COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive for COVID-19 through either a LFD or a PCR, you must contact the school to inform us. 

Please use the school mailbox ([email protected]) to inform us over a weekend. 

All information will be treated in confidence.  We need to know the following details for positive cases:

  • Pupil’s name
  • Date that symptoms started or positive result from LFD test
  • Symptoms (if symptomatic)
  • Date of day 10 of isolation


Additional lessons and activities:

BBC Bitesize

Oak National Academy